Time and time again, I let my home fill up with too many things. I always begin with a large piece, admiring how it looks, alone and stately on the wall, then I gradually start to fill in around it. It’s not intentional, but when I see something that inspires me (or strikes a sentimental chord) I want to be able to see it. My office walls are filled with thumbtacks and pins, holding up pieces of paper, photographs, and random words that I just want to see.
I can’t fight who I am anymore, but my heart still beats fast when I see a home that chooses a simple, beautiful piece, then leaves it alone.
A statement piece takes a lot of control, because it is all about the design, and it can’t be ignored; the focus is bold and personal, with no apologies, and no questions asked.
This home, owned by Jessica and Ash Bettenay, was one that made me catch my breath this week. I was actually looking for designs by Vivienne Westwood, when I found this series of photographs; Vivienne’s Union Jack design has always been one of my favorites, and it is definitely a statement. If a giant, tattered Union Jack wants to be comfortable in your kitchen, this is how you do it. Yes, there is tweaking for the photo shoot, but the restraint, and the care in which they have decorated this room, is truly lovely.
Designing around a statement piece needs to look effortless, and not too deliberate. If you’re not sure what to do, give it lots of space to be alone, put something smaller on a nearby wall (for a bit of company when needed), take a deep breath, then stop….
p.s. The Union Jack is actually Vivienne Westwood Wallpaper mounted on wood. To see the full selection of photographs, and read more about Jessica and Ash’s home, check out the article at Design Sponge
For more by Wendy and the Blue Giraffe, go to: http://www.thebluegiraffe.com/